Challenging Charges for Federal Drug Crimes
When facing charges for a federal drug crime, time is of the essence. Failing to secure reliable and experienced legal defense early on in your case can lead to serious consequences, such as prison time and fines-not to mention a criminal record.
At The Law Office of Leonard Morales, I have represented thousands of individuals-including military members-who were facing criminal charges with successful results. I believe everyone deserves the right to top-notch legal representation and as an El Paso criminal defense lawyer, I reflect this belief through passionate advocacy for my clients.
I can be called upon to represent you in any Federal Court in the United States. I have represented clients in Federal District Court on the East and West coast and many districts in between. So, whether you or your loved one is charged or detained in El Paso, San Antonio, Philadelphia, Miami, or anywhere in the United States, I am available to represent you.
My criminal defense practice handles a wide range of criminal cases involving:
- Drug conspiracy
- Alien trafficking
- Criminal gangs
- Federal drug trafficking, including possession, importation and distribution
- White collar crimes
- Racketeering Influenced & Corrupt Organizations (RICO)
I can help you navigate the notoriously complex judicial system and help you gain a clear understanding of your rights as an accused individual. As a trial attorney, I do not shy away from tackling even the most seemingly difficult cases, and I can take your case to trial when you need to have y our day in court. You can place your absolute confidence in my ability to represent you, no matter the developments of your case.
Not happy with the judgment issued against you? I can help you file for an appeal.
If your federal crime case was mishandled by another attorney or you are simply unhappy with the judgment issued against you, I can also help you file an appeal with the appropriate court, if you are eligible. Besides being licensed to practice in all Texas Courts and the U.S. Supreme Court, I can also represent you in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. I can guide you through the entire process and ensure that your petition is filed correctly.
Accused in El Paso, TX or anywhere in the United States? Contact The Law Office of Leonard Morales today.
If this is your first brush with the law, you probably have a lot of questions and concerns you would like to discuss before entrusting your case to my firm. Please do not hesitate to contact me as soon as possible to get the answers you need. Together, we can work towards a positive case outcome.